Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sun-Maid Recipes-1932

While on my vacation I managed to squeeze in a few trips to antique shops. It always amazes me how what different things there are, at one shop they are overflowing with glassware, at other one can hardly find a decent glass bowl, then a certain collectible will be sky high in one state and in another dirt cheep! It makes for good shopping though. Here is a little treasure I picked up. I love these little promotional cookbooks!
You can resist this cute cover? And of course- an APRON! Copyright 1932. A little art-deco looking, don't you think? Love the title, it makes me laugh!
"Raisins play a most important part in modern cooking. So often it is just the addition of the right kind and quantity of raisins that turn the every-day dishes into tempting flavorful delights."
Raisins are one of my favorite foods. I can't wait to try out these recipes. Now, which to make first........
 "Sun-Maid Raisins are better raisins because they are "Thermo-Jell'd". This exclusive Sun-Maid process makes eash raisin into a tiny "jar" of jelly. It jells the natural fruit sugar inside and seals in all the flavor of the fresh grape. Sun-Maids are fresh , moist, and plump right up to the time you use them. Naturally then, the dishes you make with Sun-Maid Raisins have a rich, fruit-flavor no ordinary raisins can give." Can't you just this as a radio ad?
"There are two favorite kinds of Sun-Maid Raisins that offer peculiar advantages in flavor, attractiveness and ease of handling. Sun-Maid Puffed are the only seeded raisins that pour freely from the carton. Large, full-meated, seeded Muscats that are not sticky. With Sun-Maid Puffed there is no sticky mass to pull apart. No washing ans no wasted time.
Sun-Maid Nectars are the only seedless raisins that retain to the fullest the fresh grape-like fragrance and flavor. Sun-Maid Nectors are noted for their superior plumpness and flavor as well as the glossy skins ans attractive appearance."
"Housewives have long been acquainted with the fine quality of Sun-Maid Raisins in the familiar red ans blue cartons. Now these raisins in slightly smaller size are offered in the new economy two and four pound cellophane bags."

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