Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 6-7 of Knitting Blog Week

Opps! Fell of the wagon there, didn't I?! Sorry, about that. I did have good intentions.......but they all seemed to leave my head by the time I woke up on Saturday morning! So today I will do a little catching up.
Day 6: Improving Your Skillset
How far down the road to learning your craft do you believe yourself to be? Are you comfortable with what you know or are you always striving to learn new skills and add to your knowledge base?  If you are feeling brave, make a list of some of the skills which you have not yet tried but would like to have a go at, and perhaps even set yourself a deadline of when you'd like to have tried them by.
How about these? Fair Isle Socks by Wendy Johnson
Well now, everyone knows there is always room to learn. I have to say, I would be willing to give any pattern I liked a try. Of course that is not saying I know all there is to know about knitting, I just have the confidence to give it a try!
One thing I would really really like to make some day is a Fair Isle sweater. If I had to say one knitting techique that I don't feel confident about, it is color work (the art of knitting with more then one color). I have my eye on this sweater. Color work still scares me a bit. I think I need to slowly ease into this, maybe try a pair of fair isle socks first.

Day 7: Craft Your Perfect Day
Plan your fantasy day with your craft, It might just take up one hour of your day or be the entire focus of the day, but tell your readers where you'd love to craft, whether you'd craft alone or with friends, knitting or crocheting something simple or spending a day learning new skills.
My current project- The Whisper Cardigan by Hannah Fettig
I decided I would much rather discuss this subject then the orignal one chosen.
So, my Perfect Craft Day? A trip to the yarn shop to choose yarn for a new project. Then rush home to cast on. Since the day is so sunny and nice out (a perfect day, right?) my Mom, sisters and I would sit in the back yard and soak up some sun while knitting. Pull a few weeds if needed. Once we are completly saturated with warmth and brightness, we go inside to sit around and knit some more. Possibly take a small break to look at a few knitting books and discuss future projects. Then once the evening has set in, cozy up with a classic movie musical and knit.

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