Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Needlecraft-Aug 1924

You have probaly noticed, Needlecraft is one of my favorite vintage magazines. I can't resist if I find one in an antique shop. This is one of my newest.
Not the most colorful of covers.
 This issue has lots of crochet patterns.
"Gretchen Frocks-a complete dress for four subscriptions. Stamped on linine with floss to embroider."
More gifts to readers for recruiting new readers.
 Apron Sighting! Isn't the illistration darling?
"This beautiful tea-pron is made entirely of a fine grade rose-colored rubber witha dainty crisp rubber ruffle of the same color." Don't you love it!!

 The latest fashions. What ladies magazine is complete without a page or two of fashion!

And a bright ad to end it all off.

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