Thursday, October 25, 2012

Questions & Answers

I usually don't go in much for blog awards, but my friend Sarah at Edna Earl Sewing awarded me the Liebster Blog Award. Thank you Sarah, it was so nice of you to think of me!
 Please forgive me if I step on any one's toes or offend anyone, but I don't feel comfortable participating in blog awards. That being said, I thought even if I don't like blog awards, I do like the idea of sharing with friends the eleven questions Sarah asked.
1. What is your favorite color?  I am sure everyone knows the answer to this one, PINK!!

2. If you could live in any era which would it be? Oh, this is a hard question...... I love the 1940's, I am just not sure if I would have liked to live through all that happened in this decade.
3. Do you prefer cake or pie? Very hard choice.....Pie, I guess, because pies are usually made with fruit. But chocolate cake is a close runner up!
4. What is your favorite L.M. Montgomery book? It would have to be her collection of short stories Along the Shore: Tales beside the Sea. I love how her love for the sea shines through.
5. What is your favorite season of the year? Spring has always been favorite, but this year autumn might be it!
6. Which do you prefer “Little Women” or “Pride and Prejudice”? That is a tie, I wouldn't be able to choose.
7. Do you collect anything? Oh goodness! I have too many collections! There is my milk bottle collection, blue glass collection, Fire King Swirl dishes I am trying to collect, glass pitcher collection, vintage sewing patterns, sewing books and pamphlets, fashion illustrations, old cookbooks, items with fruit on them, vintage sewing tools, books....... I am really not that particular, as long as it is old and interesting!
8. If you could visit any country which would it be? England. I have been planning a trip for a long long time, one day it will work out.
9. What is your favorite classic t.v. show? The top three; Burns and Allen Show, Partridge Family and Laverne and Shirley. (Are those considered classics?)
10. What is your favorite Christmas carol? Of the Father's Love Begotten
11. Who is your favorite classical composer? Bach. When my Mom decided we needed classical music appreciation she started with Bach and he opened up the wonderful world of music for me. Of course I was enamored with the idea he lived so long ago and his music is still being played today.

Well friends, I hope you enjoyed this little bit about me. I would love to hear how you would answer these questions!

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