Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Butterick Walk Away Dress

In poking around the internet today, I came across the story of the "Walk Away Dress".
"During the 1950s, Butterick experienced a phenomenon it had not known since the 'Garibaldi Suit' of the late 1860s. It was pattern 6015, and it was dubbed the 'walk-away' dress, because it was so easy you could "Start it after breakfast... walk-away in it for luncheon!". It's simple yet flattering wrap design and easy construction were what made it so popular. Sales of the pattern were so great, that at one point manufacturing of all other patterns ceased, and only the 'walk-away' dress was produced until all back-orders for this dress could be filled."  Excerpt from which is fascinating!

Isn't is fun! The really funny thing I have the new pattern of this! I am so excited, it might be this weekend's project!

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