Tuesday, May 14, 2013

House Update- Moving In

I had all these nice little post planned out, pictures to take and things to share. All that has gone out the window! We are scheduled to move into my house before June 1st!! Wait, you say, last update you still had a long way to go? That is true. And we still do! But the house we are currently in we have rented. A family we know sold their house faster then expected and were looking for a place to stay for a few months, we decided this was the perfect chance to get into gear and be a blessing to them. Though we might have bit off more then we can chew.....
 Currently, the two downstairs bedrooms are almost done. We started on them first so we could move a few things over. My sister Becky, the painter extraordinaire, has been working non-stop for the last week. You would not believe how thirsty these walls were, they must not have seen paint in thirty years!
Everything in this bedroom was Pink! Now I love pink, but I also like definition and contrast. It is amazing how much better white trim and doors make the room look.
I have also been working on the kitchen floors. So excited how it turned out! I keep thinking I will take pictures...... but that is low priority on the list right now.
Well friends, just wanted to give you an update. I will see you in June!

Edit: These are "Before" pictures, hope to get "After" pictures soon!

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