Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Art Institute of Chicago

A few weeks ago I made a visit to the Art Institute of Chicago. If you have never been, it is well worth the visit! Not only is there famous pictures, portraits, paintings and sketches by Degas, Renoir, van Gogh, Grant Wood and Edward Hooper; there is furniture, jewelry, pottery, glass and textiles. Of course, my favorite exhibits were the textiles and the Thorne Miniature rooms! We no where near made it through all the exhibits, there is so much to see. Today I have pictures of the textiles to share with you.
 This quilt was made between 1795-1820 by Mary Jones. This is one of my favorite patterns called "Bow-Tie". I love the fabric used in this quilt. Unfortunately my close up pictures didn't turn out very clear, as I was using my cousin's camera, which I had never used before.

A coverlet, made from three lengths of fabric woven on a hand loom. Beautiful! Cira 1800.

This one is called "Pincushion and Burrs" or "Square and Swallows", made about 1830. Don't you love the names?  I didn't know patchwork quilts have been around this long. Yes, I knew it was old and I knew it was American invented, but as old as these United States?! I just think that is really neat!

Trapunto quilting technique was used to quilt the flowers. This involves cutting small holes in the backing to add extra stuffing, making part of the design raised.
The colors are so vibrant! It is amazing it is from 1830!! This one is called Star of Bethlehem.
I love how it is filled with stars of all sizes.

From 1840s, this is "Cockscomb", "Rose Tree" or "Pineapple". This one is my favorite! Lots of Pink! I am not sure I would enjoy doing all that applique though......
 I am not sure if the security guard was just bored or if I was acting too excited and crazy. He followed me from room to room while I exclaimed and oohhed and ahhhed. I was in raptures!!
Part of the exhibit and other people enjoying the quilts.

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