Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cookbook Project- Exquisite Coconut Cake

I am just squeaking by with my goal of posting two cookbook project recipes a month. Lol! Somehow, coconut always makes us think spring. So feeling the need for a little springy-ness, this is what came out of the kitchen!
 Exquisite Coconut Cake from Betty Crocker Picture Cookbook.

Rich Yellow Cake
Cream together until fluffy....1/3 cup shortening....1/3 cup butter...1 1/2 cups sugar....Beat in thoroughly.....3 eggs.....Sift together.... 2 1/2 cups cake flour....2 1/2 tsp baking powder....1 tsp salt....Stir in alternately with....1 cup milk....1 1/2 tsp vanilla
Pour into 2 greased and floured 9" round layer pans. Bake 25-30 minutes at 350.
In my new Pyrex bowl!

Fluffy White Frosting
Bring to a boil in saucepan....1 cup sugar....1/3 cup water....1/3 tsp cream of tarter. Do Not stir! Bring to 242 degrees. While syrup is cooking, beat....2 egg bowl until stiff peaks form. Pour hot syrup very slowly in a thin stream into stiffly beaten egg whites, beating constantly. Add....1 1/2 tsp vanilla...Beat until frosting holds its shape. (it is handy to have an assistant to pour while you beat, or have a Kitchen-Aid)
I really liked this reciepe. It was not a sweet cake. Only one cup of sugar in the frosting and one and a half in the cake. I also added a bit of almond extract!


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