Friday, August 12, 2011

Knitted Dishcloths

I love the beige with the aqua. So cool looking.

Here is one of my lastest projects, hot off the needles! Knitted dishcloths! It such a fun simple project. They are so simple to make, but it took me awhile to remember how to make them as I kept over thinking it!

Here are the directions for knitting Simple Dishcloths.
Cast on 3 stitches. Increase in first stitch (I used the knit front and back of stitch increase), knit rest of stitches. Continue knitting back and forth increasing in first stitch until there are 45 stitches. Now decrease second stitch of every row (knit two together). When there are 6 stitches left knit one, decrease twice, knit last stitch. Bind off last 4 stitches.

Sometimes it is nice to knit something mindless. (for watching Doris Day,  reading, traveling)

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