Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Aprons!!

Yey! I finally have pictures of my new aprons! I got these at my sisters local antique shop. We were so excited, you would have thought we found a rare treasure. There were a couple more aprons, it was so hard to decide! If they are still there next time I visit, I will bring them home.
This one is so pretty. From the 1930s. I love the scallops. Unfortunatly I forgot to get a side veiw, so you could see the scallops better and the cute little scalloped pocket!
The back view gives a better view of the scallops. They look a little like flower petals. I thought the back was very interesting. Apparently the seamtress didn't like how the neck strap was made, maybe it popped up? Very creative fix to the problem. The waist ties go through loops on the bottom of the "T".

Something about the 40s, I am very partial. The fabric is so cute! My favorite features are the pointed waistband and the half circle pockets.
An "H" style back.
This one I didn't buy. It is my sister's husband's Great-Grandmother's, say that seven times fast! It is really just on loan to me, so I can make a pattern from it. It looks well loved.
I love the one red and one white button! Now the question is, did she not like ties? Or did she not like it flapping (if it never had ties)? You don't often see this style of back. That straight front says 1930s to me.

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