Friday, April 12, 2013

April Showers.......

Don't you love how well my umbrella and boots match?
Hopefully all these April showers will bring May flowers! It has been raining for almost a week straight here. There isn't much one can do when it is so gloomy and wet,
except Sing in the Rain!!
Spring comes very slowly here in southeastern Wisconsin. The days start to get longer, one might see a robin or hear a cardinal singing and the air feels spring like. The snow melts, brave daffodils start popping up, then all of the sudden the grass is green, the forsythia, daffodils and tulips are blooming! And even though we still have to wear hat, mittens and coats we know Spring has sprung!
 At the moment we are still at the snow-is-gone-and-the-daffodils-are-poking-up-stage, but any day now and the flowers should all be bursting open!

We get a little antsy for Spring. If it is too slow, we have to help it along by celebrating with out it! Like painting one's nails or buying bright new wellies or picking up a pot of daffodils in bloom at the garden center or knitting the brightest colored sweater possible.
What do you do to celebrate Spring? With or without it!

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